There's a damp chill in the air today. It's the ever present sign that winter is right around the corner. What happened to this summer?! What happened to this year?! I feel like it was only yesterday that I was making my New Year's Resolutions. Which, by the way, I haven't done so well with. I actually never make resolutions but this year I was convinced by a former friend to do just that. Well, the friendship and the resolutions are no longer relevant so there ya go. It was doomed from the start.
Funny thing happened yesterday...
Tommy's family is obsessed with Disney. Most of you know this. To the point where my sister-in-law and mother-in-law have Mickey's face tatooed on their ankles. Well, in October we went for a week with them and I loved it. Who doesn't love Disney - i'm just not naming my first born after a Disney character. Anyway, I don't do chachkies so I wanted to buy something that would remind me of our trip and yet not take over our apartment. I settled with a mug and a key chain. The key chain has become a symbol for the running joke we all have about how crazy Tommy's family is with Disney. About a week and a half ago I had to part with the keychain because it broke. My friend Sarah and I had a brief moment of silence before it was put in the trash. Well, last night Sarah hands me a little gift and I nearly keeled over from laughter. She brought me a Tinker Bell key chain with little blue dangley things on them to replace the keychain I brought at Disney. It's HILARIOUS! I HATE Tinkerbell but it's hanging on my key ring proudly! Hahaha!
That might not be as funny to some of you but if you know my husband's family you'll understand.
Ok, I found out today that yesterday was the 20th anniversary of when Baby Jessica fell in that well in Texas. Do you guys remember that?! She's 21 now and married with a kid. When she turns 25 she'll get close to a million dollars that has been sitting in a trust fund from all the donations given to her when it happened. Craziness!
Really upset Phil got voted off The Biggest Loser last night.
Still upset Hung won Top Chef but I really need to get over that... hahaha
Trivia of the day... What is Donald Duck's Middle Name? If you or Tommy know it without actually looking it up (and even if you do, honestly...) I just might have to name my firstborn with the mysterious name.
are you SERIOUS??? jessica is HOW old? oh my gosh. i totally remember that. you know what that makes me? older.
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