Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lighter Look

I felt the blog needed a lighter look. I'll probably change it come Fall when the weather is cool and the leaves are changing. Fall is probably my favorite season. The colors, the cool but not cold air, pumpkins, apple cider, warm blankets, pies, etc. Love it!

However, we are entering holiday season which, I normally am super excited for, but this year not so much. It's the first year in 8 years without Tommy. Where do I even begin to deal with that. While the thought of not running around to a million different houses thrills me it also makes me very sad. I'm not dwelling on it this early on since it's still September but Halloween and Thanksgiving are right around the corner.

Moving on... I gots myself a part-time job yesterday. Security at the Meadowlands. I get to work the football games, concerts, and whatever else they have going on for a decent hourly wage. I definitely need the extra income. I do have to tell you though that in order to get this job I had to take a 434-question true/false psych test. One of those tests that are the same questions, asked over and over, in a million different ways. Such as, "You often lose your temper" followed a few questions later with, "You don't have much patience", and then a few more questions later, "You are easily angered". Oh, and it was a scantron. My hand was KILLING me and my eyes were crossed by the time I was done. I would love to see the test results. How would one even go about failing something like that and what does the result say, "crazy"?

The last few weeks have been up, down, and everywhere in between. I ventured to Coney Island before it closed, our softball team won the Sparta Championship (and I played a huge part), rocked a bachelorette party, and I've been here there and everywhere with my friends and my emotions. How about a picture montage for your visual amusement

Let's also mention the fact that I rode the Cyclone not once but TWICE! From the outside it looks like your average rollercoaster but when you are on it there are so many drops and turns mixed in that you end up screaming the entire time. The second time E & I rode it we were in the front car. That first drop was TERRIFYING! I have a picture of our faces on my keychain. I wish I could scan it and upload it.

I don't have many other pictures because I didn't have my camera at the other events but I will this weekend since I have my friends wedding on Friday. I've been looking forward to this one all summer.

Sidenote: Panera coffee is not even closely comparable to Starbucks - nih. The boys at my office got me an Iced Skim Mocha from Panera today. I'm extremely disappointed.

Alright, how's that for an update. Oh, I'll leave you with a fun picture of my transient roommate Liz (this is from Sarah's birthday way back in January). It's definitely been a blessing having her around...


Anonymous said...

Hey did you work the Jets game today??? I realized on the way home that you may have been there too. I could have caused trouble on you!

Stupid Patriots.


Anonymous said...

a) i agree with the panera comment. nih. try again. but, then havent been to MY coffeehouse yet. i think there'll be a post about that in the future. :)

b) love that picture of liz. HAHAHAHAHA....classssssssssic.

c) i love that you guys won the championship and that i got to see you play in all your glory!

d) lets go have apple ciders together. wanna?

Unknown said...

was it the MMPI test? i took the same to get into graduate school. (why on earth did they need you to take that?)