We'll know tomorrow and spend the next four years worrying about the 2012 election. It never ends and yet as annoying as it is it's a constant reminder of the freedom of democracy. We should be ever greatful to the men and women who served and are serving this country to defend that (::Cough cough:: especially a certain Presidential Candidate who spent years of his life as P.O.W.). I'll spare the political jargon on this blog. I'm over the political debates. I'm voting for McCain. I have my reasons. I will say three things though 1. visit Allison's blog (a.k.a The Cat under my blogging junkies on my page) 2. Vote because you believe in what your candidate stands for not because you hate the other candidate. Take your vote seriously. Know your facts! 3. I fear for a unbalanced government. Checks & Balances are there for a reason and if tomorrow shifts that weight in all 3 branches in one direction it will be a scary 4 years. I will say that it will be sink or swim for the Democrats if they have that power. I have my thoughts on that but again will not be shared here. Get involved - use your freedom wisely. Everything effects YOU - the American Citizen - even if you turn off and tune out.
Now, onto other news...
I went for a 2nd opinion for my vocal cords today (technically it's the 3rd but my 1st doctor was a quack). I found my old doctor last Thursday by chance. He moved out of the practice that I used to go to and I spent a year trying to find him. After tears, prayers, and angry journal entry on Wednesday I truly believe God stepped in when I found him the following day. Dr. Citarelli is the kind of doctor that takes the time to sit with you and LISTEN to what the problem is. He thinks, he analyzes, and he doesn't just write a prescription and send you on your way. I trust him. So today we sat for 20 minutes discussing the last 5 months of my chronic throat/vocal cord problem. He took me off everything my ENT had me on (which i decided to go off myself this past weekend because I wasn't feeling any different on or off of the meds) and put me two new meds (Astelin & Singulair) plus home remedies (salt water gargle, honey, and a humidifier). He doesn't think there's anything serious causing my vocal cords to swell (the ENT said the same thing) and believes it's just allergies. So, 6 weeks of this and he is pretty sure it will be better. If not, he's going to send me to a different ENT. Let's hope and pray that I WILL be better in 6 weeks because 1. I don't want to go to ANOTHER doctor and 2. My insurance is good but not that good to keep funding all of this.
Other than that, my life (as usual), is one giant rollercoaster. I'm banking on a good 2009 - anything has to be better than this...
I was just browsing some news sites and I just want to share one thought. I truly believe George W. Bush will go down as one of the greatest Presidents in history. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but someday this country will come to see all the good he has done both here and abroad.
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