Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Facebook Hellllllllll

I consider myself a pretty avid social networker. Not only can I navigate some of the unknown inner workings of certain sites but people call me when they need help setting up their own FB or other various social pages. I'm also quite competitive (in all senses of the word). In this case, when I can't figure something out I will keep going with it until I do. Which might explain why I want to pull my hair out today (I've got plenty don't worry).

Yesterday my boss gave me some new responsibilities including managing our company's social networking initiatives (i.e. set up a Facebook & Twitter page). Twitter - piece of cake. Facebook - the souffle that implodes on you (I saw Julie & Julia last night and i'm still preoccupied with food references. Loved the movie by the way!). You know how they have Fan Pages on Facebook. I thought I could set one of those up without having to set up an actual page. I was doing great until I couldn't figure out how to get into network groups or find friends. Then I clicked some link and it created a new FB page with all of my personal info. I activated and deactivated accounts and went back and forth a zillion times trying to delete one without deleting the other. Apparently you can't have a fan page without having a regular FB page. So now i'm navigating 3 sites (my personal, my business, and my business fan page). The business page and the business fan page look exactly alike and I don't quite understand why I have to have both. My head is spinning. I know some people don't understand the need for both Facebook and Twitter and while they both serve different purposes of the same thing (and I do cherish them both) i'm quite thankful for the simplicity of Twitter at the moment and worship the ground it's built on. Follow me on Twitter @nhayes then follow my company @theconnorsgroup

"Julie & Julia" was fantastic - go see it!!! I'll be updating my other blog with the actual review later so stay tuned for the edit and link.

I'm taking the day off tomorrow and going down to Long Beach Island with one of my loves Mrs. Chrissy Romine (hollah!). I've been promising her aunt a visit for almost a decade so we're finally going tomorrow. And of course... beach day = rain. That's the story of my life.

Right now i'm going to jet out real quick and get coffee and then chow down on some Godiva truffles I purchased yesterday. I'm in need of some serious caffeine to get through the rest of this work day which includes a double-header International Soccer game tonight. Rock on...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Time to bring back the old blog...

I’ve got a lot going on and I find I don’t have much time for the phone nowadays (and who wants to have an entire personal conversation through text message, I sure don’t). I think this will be a good way for you and I to stay in touch again with the comings and goings of my new life. I say new because, let’s face it, i’m approaching 30, i’m single for the first time in 10 years (divorce will do that to you), and i’ve got the world at my fingertips (I just need some fingerpaint). The unknown is thrilling and scary all at the same time.

Speaking of life, yesterday I went to WalMart at lunch (as does half of the working world apparently) and I was walking past all of the school supplies (can you believe it’s that time already?!) and almost had a mini-panic attack. I registered for my GRE in October ($150 for a standarized test which really holds no bearing for the kind of talent people actual do posses is a joke). Anyway, so i’m going back to school. For my Masters. For my Teaching Certification. I mean, I have to pass all of the tests first (which is no small feat mind you) but we’re talking about starting in Spring. I figure i’m just going to keep moving forward as long as God keeps opening the doors (with brown paper bags and a few xanax at the ready).

Going to see "Julie & Julia". I need a movie night with my gal pal sans wine. I've had too much of it lately... lol...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I need a theme to keep writing... I'm tempted to do an entire blog of movie reviews... thoughts??

Friday, March 27, 2009

This weekend

Ahhhhhhhhh i'm sooooo excited for this weekend!!! It's Chrissy's wedding shower... OMG... her WEDDING SHOWER!!! Lots of food, fun, and friends - especially those who are coming from far away that I don't get to see very often. All in town for our very special girl. There is so much to say about Chrissy but I'm going to save it all for after this weekend when I have lots of pictures to post!

Today is finally the first day of spring. Ok, technically it was last week but it snowed the first real day of spring and has been bitter cold ever since. But, not today - it's 65 degrees & sunny! This is the weather i'm talkin' about!

Alright... gotta jet... hopefully a long post on Monday with lots of pics!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Britney's coming to town...

It's sort of like Santa Claus minus the presents...,2933,510595,00.html

What's a little more dysfunction to the already dysfunctional Garden State (and I say that with all the pride as I am a Jersey girl through and through - lol).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's late...

I can't sleep... grrrrrr...

Ever feel like you can't catch a break?!  Seriously, why can't I be one of the NJ people who just won the Mega-Millions?!?!  Or my friend who just hit a $25,000 jackpot in Atlantic City?!?!  Do you have any idea what I can do with $25,000 or even $10,000 at this point?!  Am I blessed to even have a job right now... absolutely... but sometimes I just wish I could catch up.  Right when I think I can I get slammed with something that takes more money from my pocket.  Anyway...

Thank goodness tomorrow is Thursday.  Friday I work the Nickelback concert at the IZOD.  Should be fun!  Then this weekend is all booked up and I'm looking forward to it - especially the 60 degree weather on Sunday... hallelujah!!!

Alright... i'm going to try to go to bed

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Burt's Bees

I have bypassed that product over and over and over again. I'm your tried & true chapstick lover. Not to mention spending close to $5 on 1 stick of chapstick made of beeswax seemed absolutely ridiculous. But then, to quote Napolean, "my lips hurt REAL BAD" and nothing was doing the trick. Soooo - I did it. I purchased the $5 lip balm and now I can't get enough. It's the perfect combination of softness, mint, and protection. I put it on and my lips tingle with joy!

I finally caught up on the Top Chef finale last night. Karla completely blew it. I loved her - she was always the dark horse who layed low until the last few episodes where she won almost every challenge. Then, CASEY did her in. Why oh why did she let her have so much influence in her final dishes?! Casey was the one who BLEW IT big time 2 seasons ago in the finale. It was truly Karla's to lose and she lost. But, at least Stefan didn't win. I really only believe they kept him over Fabio during the semi's for TV ratings. He was WAY TOO cocky and quite honestly didn't impress me towards the end. So congrats Hosea - you never won a challenge, you cheated on your girlfriend with greasy Leah, and your dishes in the finale really weren't outstanding but somehow you managed to win the whole thing. Good job. I think next season they should do a head to head challenge with Tom Calicchio where the judges have no idea who's dish is who's... he talks a good game but I haven't seen him walk a good game and I'm waitin' for it...

I haven't had my coffee yet and my stomach is making all sorts of grumbling noises. Not to mention i'm procrastinating way too much right now.... ok i'll be back...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ok, ok...

Can you all forgive me for not blogging in ooooo... FOREVER! Seriously, the last few blogs - i'm sure - have left you all feeling starved. But i'm back for the most part.

Let's talk about a few things....

I've decided to observe Lent this year. I haven't done it since my Catholic days and this year I wanted to bring something before God that would be a challenge for me. Something I use as an emotional crutch. So, I'm giving up chocolate (are you all finished gasping... please take a breathe... thanks). That means no Snickers, M&M's, Hershey Kisses, any sort of Mocha coffees, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and the list goes on. Nothing, nada, ziltch. I can do this although I think i'm hallucinating already... I could have sworn I just saw one of those M&M characters run across my computer screen...

I'm going to an AMAZING church, as in, going every Sunday. It's been a LONG time since I was a regular attender. Reasons of which I think are quite understandable. Here's the kicker... this white girl is going to a bilingual Spanish Pentacostal church (did I cause a second gasp?! you might have to get a paper bag at this point). IT... IS... FABULOUS! There is so much healing taking place. The people are true blue, salt of the earth goodness. The Pastor is in your face incredible... I've learned more over the last few weeks than I have over the last few years. The worship is just beyond words. Even when I can't understand it the Spirit moves in ways where it doesn't even matter. And, I finally feel a sense of community again. Having that has opened my eyes to just how badly I've been hurt and how much we as christians need that. Whether or not it becomes my home church, for right now, it's where He has me.

Speaking of... I would not have been going to that church had I not been blessed with my amazing friend Rebecca. I would toss up some pictures on here but you can see them on Facebook. I deleted any and all pictures from this laptop because it was so slow I was ready to beat it with a baseball bat. Anyway, just a little kudos to her on my blog because she has been my rock over the last few months. God has formed a unique bond between us and I cherish our friendship very deeply. She's pretty fantastic and an incredible woman of God. Ya'll need to meet her... for realz...

I have a new love... COFFEE! For years I would only drink coffee in the afternoon and it generally was a sugar filled Starbucks latte. One day a few months ago I was having a really rough start. I was soooo tired and I thought, I NEED coffee... truly... today is the day I need to have it in the morning. That one morning turned into another which turned into another and then another. Now, i'm up to about 3 cups a day and last night I had my first ever VENTI Starbucks at 6pm. I'm an addict.

I'm also addicted to the Houswives of New York City. I love these women!!! I want to meet them, hang out with them, chill at their summer homes in the Hamptons. More so, I want to spend a day with Jill & Bethenny. Those two seem super fun and I can envision them taking me to the coolest parties, drinking the best cocktails, and shmoozing it up with New Yorks finest. I think of these things...

Ok, I need some motivation to keep blogging and to draw more traffic to the site. Should I make the blog more specific to one topic... any thoughts?!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

As if I should have expected anything different...

Supposedly i'll get them tomorrow... not today... I should have had them a month ago if they weren't held for so long

Monday, January 12, 2009


Papers will be in my hand tomorrow...