Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Time to bring back the old blog...

I’ve got a lot going on and I find I don’t have much time for the phone nowadays (and who wants to have an entire personal conversation through text message, I sure don’t). I think this will be a good way for you and I to stay in touch again with the comings and goings of my new life. I say new because, let’s face it, i’m approaching 30, i’m single for the first time in 10 years (divorce will do that to you), and i’ve got the world at my fingertips (I just need some fingerpaint). The unknown is thrilling and scary all at the same time.

Speaking of life, yesterday I went to WalMart at lunch (as does half of the working world apparently) and I was walking past all of the school supplies (can you believe it’s that time already?!) and almost had a mini-panic attack. I registered for my GRE in October ($150 for a standarized test which really holds no bearing for the kind of talent people actual do posses is a joke). Anyway, so i’m going back to school. For my Masters. For my Teaching Certification. I mean, I have to pass all of the tests first (which is no small feat mind you) but we’re talking about starting in Spring. I figure i’m just going to keep moving forward as long as God keeps opening the doors (with brown paper bags and a few xanax at the ready).

Going to see "Julie & Julia". I need a movie night with my gal pal sans wine. I've had too much of it lately... lol...

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