Thursday, February 18, 2010

Garden to City

I've jumped on board NCC's (National Community Church) "From Garden to City", read through the Bible in an entire year, challenge. I have a hard time absorbing and meditating on things. So i'm going to attempt to dust off this blog and utilize it to try to help me remember and understand what God is revealing to me. It started yesterday (the beginning of Lent) and will end Lent of 2011. If you are with me, great! If it's just me well then God I pray that you will dig down to the deepest parts of me and reveal all that is there and that I may grow according to your word & your will!

1 comment:

renee@celebratingtruth said...

I stumbled on the blog for reading the Bible in a year. I needed something organized to keep me in the Word and wanted some interaction. This looked like a great place. So I"m in it with you!
Love the pictures on your blog and it's interesting to see which verses stood out to you.