Tuesday, November 27, 2007

August Rush

Last night I saw "August Rush". A-MAZING! Absolutely incredible!! The character development was definitely lacking but it wasn't really needed in this film. You FELT the characters in the music. The music was powerful and all of your emotions were caught up in the notes. It's the heart and soul of the film and it will capture you, amaze you, and awe you. Go see it - immediately!

Another exciting thing happened last night... I found out that this is where Tommy and I will be spending New Years Eve:

That is the Penn Club of New York - http://www.pennclub.org/
We will be celebrating a 50th birthday party there, in the heart of Manhattan, while watching the ball drop. It's a black tie affair so I've got some serious dress shopping to do! I can't tell you how much fun this is going to be!!!!! I also realized something while watching "August Rush". I need to find myself again - I feel lost. There is so much that I love to do, love to be apart of, and want to strive for that I've let go and I need to get it back. I need to get myself back. Alright, i'm going to browse the web for dresses....


Anonymous said...

EXCUSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ME?????????????????????????? WHO'S 50th???????? i am SO jealoussssssssssssssssssssss!!!!! (you better get a room!!)

i need to see that movie. i really want to!

Allison said...

holy crappoli.....THAT IS GORGEOUS!!!!
is the 50 year old FAMOUS?? :)

ckuretich said...

i want to see that movie too, my favorite Felicity is the star!!!!