I've fallen behind on my new blog already. I was out sick yesterday and left my laptop at work. Tuesday night I had a wicked sore throat which is always a precursor to an impending cold for me. Sure enough Wednesday morning I woke up around 6am completely congested and my throat feeling like sandpaper. I made an attempt to go to work around 7:30 but it was futile and I called out. I have so much going on today and tomorrow here at the office that if I forced myself to work yesterday I would be completely useless today (even though I basically feel like that anyway). The worst part about a cold for me isn't so much not being able to breathe, which of course is bad, but it's the complete lack of energy. Or the spurts of feeling fine and then crashing a half-hour later. Sucks. Not to mention I have to go out tonight. I can't cancel. I mean, I can, but I had made these plans two weeks ago and someone is staying around who lives in Staten Island so I have to go. I'm contemplating calling out tomorrow but I have a huge meeting in the morning. We'll see.
Needless to say my Halloween was a bust. I might have to go play Halloween in DC next year... want to know why... click the link on the top of my page on the left hand side that says The Cat.
This cold tells me i'm completely run down. Is it any wonder though. I mean, it was bound to happen. I'm exhausted on all levels.
I'm boycotting "Dancing with the Stars". I can't believe they kicked off Sabrina. She should have won the entire thing. That's why I hate when viewers can vote because it's never about talent it's always a popularity contest.
I was in Aerosoles yesterday getting some fresh air and hanging with Sarah when these two little girls with their mom came in. One was dressed up like a princess and the other like a bumble bee. They couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old. So well behaved and so adorable. I started crying. I'm almost glad I don't volunteer anymore at a crisis pregnancy center because I now can't fathom abortions on any level when there are those who are at their wits end trying desperately just to have a baby. Not that I ever agreed with abortion at all but I hate it even more now. Even the slighest thought of the possibility of not being able to have children is a pain that can't be described.
Enough on that... i'm too tired to even let myself go there right now.
I have to get back to work. It's almost Friday!!!!!!!!!
I love that you're boycotting! I'm thinking of doing the same. it's AWFUL. if Mel B gets kicked off and Marie wins, there really is no justice in the world.
feel better, nikkita. that does NOT sound fun.
poor baby. hate that. rest yourself. there's NO WAY you can just go home and sleep tonite? what the heck are u doing? i'd do it. bye bye.....i'm drinking tea on my couch....nani nani boo boo.
(that's just me, though.) :)
dude. DC next year. road trip. DO IT!!!!
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