Anyone out in blogland today? Or, am I the only poor shmuck working on a holiday. Probably the latter. There is no point to being in this office today. Both my bosses aren't here, 2 of our co-workers are out, which leaves a total of 4 people actually present and accounted for. Ugh - SLOOOWWWWW day. As if i'm not bored enough on a regular basis today is going to be especially bad.
Movie review time....
27 Dresses
FABULOUS! I loved it!!!! It was hilarious and those dresses - OMG! At one point in the movie she puts them all on and I don't think i've laughed so hard in a very long time. And, I love Judy Greer. She always has a supporting part (usually as the friend with a 'tude) but they are always great roles for her. She does them so well! Go see it!!! MUST!!!
Other than that - didn't really do a heck of a lot this weekend. Lot's of talking - the good, deep kind of conversations. Shopping, eating, drinking, laughing. Just took it easy.
Oh, and i've also decided i'm NEVER eating out again. Sarah & I looked up a ton of nutrition facts over the weekend and it was unbelievable. Even someplace like Panera Bread where you think you're eating "healthy" is loaded with fat and calories, including the salads! Forget Cold Stone Creamery. The average kids portion has about 600 calories in it... KIDS PORTION. I'd rather have two cheeseburgers from McDonalds at 310 calories a piece. Insane!!!
Somebody shoot me today. There's nothing to do.
Oh yea.... GOOOOOOOOOOOO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO ONTO THE SUPERBOWL BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wanna help me with Super Bowl requests? How bout them Giants?!?!? Busy boy today... so yeah, somebody's working. :o)
yeah but you can so totally eat out smartly. it's all about getting some of the "junk" off that stuff. and the light ice creams at Cold Stone aren't that bad and they taste the SAME! :)
27 Dresses - i usually am so disappointed with those types of movies but i liked this one. buffy and i died laughing. but it was mostly because we/mostly I Predicted each scene and what would happen. even down to the taxi driver being the same guy at the end. DUH. i mean - seen one of these movies, seen 'em all. i did like all the girls in ALL those dumb dresses at the end. highly unlikely but really funny. I said to Buff: "And, they're all HER size?" Yeah. Right.
you didn't add that you supported your friend at her gpa's wake! thank you!
ps: NEED to see that movie.
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