From L to R - The Penn Club all decked out, Rebecca & Chris dancing the Jive (that's Sarah's stepsister and her fiance), Rebecca Chris Sarah & Jon dancing the Waltz, Sarah & Jon (her brother), Me Sarah & Melissa (Jon's girlfriend), My shoes, Me & Sarah, Tommy & Jon, A few of the gang toasting, Me & Tommy, and finally Sarah & her Mom.

Just such a fantastic time!!! So sad i'm back to work though. It was so nice having almost 2 weeks off. The best part was that I didn't really do much. I do have two movie reviews -Atonement & National Treasure 2. Atonement was PHENOMENAL! Such a gut wrenching movie. Definitely not lighthearted but an amazing story - well written, well acted, and just overall well done. National Treasure 2 was fun. Part 1 had more of a story line but 2 was definitely more action packed. Both are worthy to see in theaters - especially Atonement. I'll be adding more to this post later. Have to run for now..............
Ok, back - time for a little reflection since it is the beginning of 2008. A few days ago I pulled out an old journal. Last year, at this time, I was at a much different place. I never make New Year's Resolutions and at the request of what now is a past friendship I made them at the beginning of 2007. I recall the phrase, "becareful what you wish for (or pray for)". My resolutions were more of a request for a transformation in my life - my marriage, jobs, friends, family, health, etc. At the beginning of last year I had direction. I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to accomplish. Too bad my plans weren't His plans. I experienced transformation and continue to experience it - just not in the way that I was expecting. I was brought to the places of some of my worst fears and heartache. Financial difficulty, my marriage in complete disarray, broken friendships, health problems, death. I started 2007 closer to God than I have ever been and I ended 2007 further from God than I have ever been. I know this year serves a very real purpose - I know what i've gone through and continue to go through serves a very real purpose. I'm not the same person I was- good and bad. In the midst of it I was blessed with some amazing friendships as some old ones ended, I was given closure in a very painful area of my life, and I've become more aware of my heart which is a very big deal for me. No resolutions for me in 2008. This year has already started with the best moment and the worst moment for me. If that's any indication than I know I still have a long road ahead - another long year and more transformation to be done. But, I know I don't struggle in vain and i'm holding onto the hope even though it seems so dim sometimes. So I welcome 2008 and all it has to offer.
"So I welcome 2008 and all it has to offer."
There's your resolution. To make the most of times. You've got a lot brewing and it's always good to take a step back and look where you've come from. Even when times are tough, it's a blessing in a way because it helps you prove how strong you can be when you're able to get through things. Which you're doing... and will continue to do. You guys look great in those pics, all dolled up. And to think, you may have another reason to wear that dress in say, July. :o)
Happy New Year to you both. Love you guys!
HOT. all of you. HOT. such a SNAZZY party. wow wow wow.
and i agree with jay. although, i'll add this: this year was a year that yielded a lot of change but it also showed u that when u try to do things on your cannot. you asked for transformation. it's coming. and i think He wants you to cling even tighter and for dear life. this year will be good. i can feel it. :)
gorgeous pictures, really really gorgeous. looks like you had a blast. I adore Tommy's glasses, he looks so hot! Truly.
and totally - your thoughts on last year - looks like you've already learned a ton, just based on your reflections. i agree with Jay and Chrissy (ha - such a yes-man) - welcome it and whatever comes your way, it looks like you're ready to be open to it now. God spent this year molding you. painful though it was...
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