Friday, April 18, 2008

Growing old gracefully?

I caught up with an old college friend this morning. I have to be honest and say that he was an old flame but the timing was just never right. I had the pleasure of looking at some recent photo's of him and i'm very glad I did. Whatever feelings I might have carried for him are now completely gone. The guy has not grown old gracefully. Poor dude! Back in college he was one fine looking specimen but now... ooof - not so much. Still a nice guy though at least he's got that going for him.

Now that i've completely trashed a poor innocent soul (lol) let's move on...

Karaoke last night - fabulous! I love karaoke. Not so much singing but watching other people sing really bad. Karaoke brings out all sorts of creatures and it's so much fun to watch. Although, I do hate the ones who do the karaoke circuit. You know the ones that sing really well and go from place to place singing the same song. It's probably the only attention they can get. Karaoke is no fun unless you are drunk and singing Bon Jovi really loud and way off pitch.

Tonight I have a Tricky Tray. It'll be fun. Maybe i'll win something although odd's are I won't. I never win at these things. Tomorrow will be a fun-filled day of laundry followed by some packing and cleaning for Sarah's new apartment because Sunday is the big move. That's about my weekend in a nutshell. At some point tomorrow though I need to get some new pants. I have lost 10lbs (finally... it only took me 3 months) and none of them fit me. I need work pants and jeans. I should look online and see what kind of sales are going on.



Anonymous said...

1- i love that you used the word 'oooof.' hahahaha.....

2- you know how i feel about karaoke. ugh.

3- good for you! i've lost just about nothing. so congrats! hahaha. you look great!

ckuretich said...

oh my gosh, I totally just found an old crush on facebook and was SERIOUSLY disturbed by how fat and pasty he's gotten. thank GOD that never happened........