Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Have some consideration

If you guys thought I was lying about the IcyHot think again. I'm not kidding when I say I feel like a 70 year old woman this morning. It hurts to laugh, cough, move my arm - just plain move in general - lol. But for all of the physical anguish i'm in today i'm in a great mood. Softball is very theraputic for me. And I needed it after my day yesterday.

Ahhhh yes, the day. Monday. Why are Monday's always the worst. I blog about this all of the time and it never ceases to amaze me just how awful they are. Whatever emotional barracade I build up over the weekend comes crashing down around me. I'm so not kidding about this. I'll spare you the details of the morning because it's way too personal but in the afternoon my boss called me into her office for another "closed door" meeting. I find that i've been getting these once a month since about January. Apparently my job performance sucks. It wasn't exactly said like that but it was pretty darn close. Why you might ask. Because my boss is a micromanager and nitpicks about the DUMBEST things - like her 10 minute rant about how I didn't say hi to her 2 weeks ago when she walked in the door. I say hi to EVERYBODY when they walk in. I remember that day clearly. First of all it was a ROUGH morning and second I was so super busy that I didn't even hear her say Hi. It was the first and only time i've ever not said it. After that she sugarcoated it with, "look, i know you have a lot of personal stuff going on and I haven't lost faith in you. I believe in you and that this downturn will pass... yada, yada" It was nice but once your kicked when you are already down the sugarcoating isn't all that sweet. Now, could my job performance be improved - absolutely. But, i'm bored. I do the same thing everyday which is pretty much sit here, answer phones, and edit resumes. I'm way over qualified for this job. That's not me bragging... it's the truth. The problem is 1. I love everyone I work with 2. My bosses really are great bosses 3. I can come and go whenever I pretty much want, make my own hours, and we get tons of time off for holiday's and vacations 4. It's a steady job and with the economy the way it is i'd be crazy to jump ship 5. If i ever pass my Praxis next month this job will give me the flexibility to go to school. So you see - as much as I want to spork my eyes out it makes no sense to look elsewhere.

Let's now talk about the title of this blog - have some consideration. Every Tuesday starting from today until the end of the summer is Jazz night in Westfield. People swarm into Westfield like cockroaches to listen to the live Jazz bands they have playing all around town. The stores are open late, sidewalk restaurants and cafes are buzzing, and there are a ton of things for the kids to do. But the town is PACKED. So, instead of fighting the traffic later on this evening from this point forward I will be taking the train on Tuesdays. Now, if I wasn't so lazy in the morning i'd catch the 7:17 train. But, because i'm lazy I usually catch the 7:42 express train into Newark. I left my house at 7:30 to take the 5 minute walk to the train which would leave me over 5 minutes to buy a ticket. The first of the month at a station is like the first of the month at a welfare office. The line to buy the tickets was ridiculous. So much so that the train pulled up early at 7:39 and I watched the train pull away at 7:42 still waiting in line to get a ticket. The next train was at 7:50 and it was a local train - no big deal. The guy that was 2 people ahead of me (now, we ALL can see there is a really LONG line) decides to buy 10 one way tickets. 10! These ticket machines print like your watching paint dry. I didn't see 10 people with him. Is there a need to buy 10 one way tickets NOW??!! Needless to say I BARELY made the 7:50 train but I did - thank goodness.

Between softball yesterday and taking the train today I realized that I need to slow my life down. I'm always in such a rush and I try to be in too many places at one time. I blame my parents for that. Some of you know my mom (and I love her) but if you don't - if I need to be somewhere and i'm not there 1 minute early all hell breaks loose. My mom loses her mind on me. So I have an unrealistic sense of urgency almost all the time. Plus, it's a control thing for me. If I take the trian I really have no control over times or when i'm getting somewhere. If I have my car I can come and go whenever I want and there's no waiting (unless there's traffic of course and in traffic my stress level goes from 0 to 10 in less than a second). I'm way to wound up, way too stressed, and I care way too much about being places if there really isn't a specific time to be somewhere. Who wants to live life at warp speed or constantly stressed?! I mean, I know I live in the Northeast at the center of the world pretty much but I can at least attempt to slow down. It will never be a snails pace but maybe it'll be a little bit slower than what it is now.

We have this radio in the office that usually plays 100.3, 103.5, or 95.5 - all Top 40 stations pretty much. There is this guy in our office who sits at a desk pretty close to my front desk. He has his own radio. He INSISTS on playing Iron Maiden and death metal every morning and then again late in the afternoon. Not only that but he plays it soooo loud that I can't even concentrate. DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!! You ask him to turn it down and he flips out. Complains that the other radio is too loud and since he hates listening to it he has to drown it out by playing his extra loud. It's an everyday battle. Can you imagine listening to Iron Maiden every morning without wanting to throw yourself off a building???

Short week for me - we have a half day on Thursday and then off on Friday. So far I have no idea what i'm doing really. The game plan is fireworks at Brookdale park Thursday night with Tommy and a bunch of friends. Brookdale fireworks by the way are probably the best in NJ. I'm hoping the pool at Sarah's parents boat on Friday. Saturday is a BBQ at my parents trailer and Sunday I will be vegging in front of the TV (I hope). That's the game plan for the holiday weekend.

Alright - even though it's Tuesday it's technically my Wednesday. Woohooo!!

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