Let me tell you the contents of this heavenly gift - everything is chocolate covered:
Peanut Butter Cookies
Graham Crackers
Rice Crispy Treats
Vanilla Cream Cookies
and Nut Wafers
My mouth and stomach party for a week eating it all. Actually, a week may be an exaggeration. I don't think the basket ever lasts that long.
I love Wednesday night TV. America's Next Top Model and Project Runway both on the same night. I have no idea what i'm going to do after next weeks ANTM finale. Good thing PR just started. Speaking of - can someone please explain to me how we can get Elisa off the show?! The crazy woman is still on! Oh and milestone - Ricky didn't cry this week. I was waiting for it and it never happened. Although he should have shed a tear over his awful outfit or at least bitch slapped Victorya. That would have been popcorn worthy entertainment.
It's really dangerous having a Starbucks directly across the street from your apartment. I used to be so good - an occassional coffee, a treat few and far between. Now, almost every day it's a tall peppermint mocha and a pumpkin loaf. Ok, i don't do the pumpkin loaf every day but my caloric intake has definitely increased because of it. I can't help it - it's RIGHT THERE. I walk downstairs, go into the 'Bucks, and walk right back up stairs. At least i'm walking off a few calories in the process right?!
What else to talk about - oh yea - the BITTER, FREEZING, NEW YORK WEATHER. It has arrived. I swear there's nothing like it. You can't use the term "cold" for it because the wind chill will give you frostbite.
And another thing about this weather. I remembered why I like showering at night during the winter. My apartment is usually pretty warm but it's never as warm as what it feels like under my covers. So, you get up and you are immediately chilled by the temperature difference. So you think, crap, I should have showered last night. At this point - you need to shower. It's been too long and you KNOW you can't go another day. The thought of undressing makes you want to spork your eyes out but you do it. You turn the shower on, you get in, and for a few brief minutes you enjoy the nice HOT shower. But then, you remember you have to go to work so you can't stay in the shower forever. The thought of getting out of the shower is even worse than getting out from under the covers. Why - because the minute you do the water becomes instant ice on your skin. You get out and you might as well kill yourself at this point. It might feel better. By the time your body temperature is back to normal you have to make your way into the BITTER, FREEZING, NEW YORK WEATHER. All of this because you were just to lazy to shower at night. Allison - this needs to be on the list!
Ahhhh - back to work
a) I NEEEEEEEEEEED that chocolate package!!!!!! Actually, bring me something!!! no. i'm not kidding. really.
b) i need a peppermint mocha now. thanks a lot.
c) that rant about showering in the morning made me laugh cuz i thought the same thing this morning! but, the warm water felt SO GOOD!
your last post ends with busted... now you've used the word spork in this one...
Your task for your next entry is to use the words "fubar" and "gobbeldy gook". I have faith that you can make this happen.
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