I had such a good weekend. Friday night the weather was pretty lousy so I rented "Waitress" and "The Nanny Diaries". I saved "The Nanny Diaries" for Sunday and watched "Waitress". It was interesting. Glad I didn't see it in the theater, a worthy rental, but not a movie I'd watch over and over. It actually reminded me of the movie "Simply Irresistable". Anyone see that - with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Sean Patrick Flanery. SMG is a chef who's emotions get transferred to her food and when guests eat her creations they feel her emotions. In the meantime she falls in love with SPF and it's this magical love story/culinary story. "Waitress" is definitely not magical but it's got that sort of vibe to it. I'm probably just rambling to some at this point because they have no idea what i'm talking about. Moving on....
Saturday I spent the day doing laundry at my mom's and helping them decorate the outside of their house for Christmas. Actually it went more like this - my mom took the ladder from the backyard and my brothers go, "Oh, can we climb it and hang the ornaments" to which my mother replied, "No, your sisters going to do it." I'm sorry - what was that?! Did I really just get volunteered to risk my life to hang ornaments on a tree outside?! Yes, I did. I have proof

I think I did a good job considering I was ready to start bequeathing my possessions to friends and family. I then met up with Chrissy and baked some cookies at her apartment. So yummy! I couldn't wait to get home though and take a shower. Too many needles from the tree in my hair. That night Sarah and I went to The Fountains of Wayne. It's this ghetto fabulous Christmas place in NJ. It's a store with a walk through display of characters and holiday scenes. It's so bad it's good. Afterwards we hit up an old Montclair hang out of mine - Eagans. Not only did we have a great time people watching but some drunk irishman bought us drinks. Tons of fun.
Yesterday was THE BEST day of the weekend. Why - because we did absolutely nothing. PJ's all day. The movie list consisted of "You've Got Mail", "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead", "The Nanny Diaries", and then a bunch of shows that I had on my dvr. We ventured out once to the Stop & Shop where some guy made a comment about our pajama's. See, it's not proper to go out in Westfield without looking like you walked off a high-end fashion runway. But, I don't really care. I'm not going to change just because of some snooty Westfielders. The reason for the S&S run was so I could get sprinkles to put on the sugar cookies I was planning on making. Cookies, movies, pj's - awesome day of doing nothing. I rocked those sugar cookies by the way. They were so yummy!
I really have so much work to do today. My boss is out this week and next week will probably fly by since it's right before Christmas. I love my job though. My bosses decided to close the office from Dec. 22nd to Jan. 1st. So that means I have almost 10 days off and still get paid for it and not even have to take vacation time. Ridiculous!
Aight... peace out cub scouts
oh yeah???? well along those same lines, here's another one. when Tom Hanks fake-hits the strong man thing but then lets the hammer fly out of his hand, do you notice the guy who trips on it? I don't think that was planned. it's really quick. haha!
WHAT??????????? you were at egan's???????? WHY did you not TELL me this!? we were gunna go there, jay & i!!! we didn't. but, we were going to. if i had known you were there, i definitely would have!
we are fighting.
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