Thursday, January 17, 2008

What once was lost now is found

They found Sarah's cell phone!

There are millions of people and cab's in New York City and finding a lost cell phone is like finding a needle in a haystack. After leaving the gym last night I checked my phone and saw that this strange number had called. I listened to the voicemail and it was this girl letting me know that she found Sarah's cell phone in a cab that she had gotten into. Ok, so not only is the phone found but someone was nice enough to try to locate the owner. How awesome is she!?! Unfortunately, it needs to be picked up in Manhattan but all the more reason to make a trip out of it.

Love stories like that!

It's freezing out today and going to be even colder this weekend.

Stay warm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww, congrats! that's pretty big, i can't imagine the chances of that. i haven't read the post below but it looks funny so i'm gonna read it now...