Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I may collapse from sleep deprivation. Definitely didn't sleep last night - I was up every hour or so staring at my clock. I have no idea why either because I was exhausted! When I rolled out of bed at 7:15am I stared into my bathroom mirror for 15 minutes debating on whether or not I should go to work. I lost the debate with myself so I'm at the office. My friend Tricia here walked by my desk a little while ago and said, "you need caffeine - it's 11:30 and you already look like your going to drop." And these people think I exaggerate when I say I struggle with insomnia.

I kicked my butt at the gym yesterday. I was so frustrated with myself because I've been eating healthier and have been working out consistently and I haven't lost 1 pound. When I stepped on the scale last night I was so angry. I almost walked out but instead I pushed myself that much harder. It's not like I have unrealistic goals either. I'm not looking to lose 10lbs in a week - just 1 or 2. I want a gradual weight loss. Ugh! So, sleep or no sleep i'll be back at the gym tonight.

This weather is giving me Spring Fever and it's not even the middle of January yet. Forgive me for saying this but I need the cold weather back. This is such a tease and it's making me want to do all the outdoor activities I do in the Spring but I can't because Spring is still a few months away. It sucks when it's 66 degrees at 4pm and it's pitch black outside.

I need SLEEP


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. i'm right there with you on this whole post. last night, i went to the gym for the 1st time in 2 weeks. BUT, i was faithful for the last 3 months! i got on the scale and almost blew my brains out. what the HECK!? we have to keep going, tho.

ps: i had a small battle with insomnia a few nites ago. the pits. no reason. well, i was coughing a lot. but, nevertheless, i was exhausted and couldn't sleep. hate that.

pps: i refuse to get excited about this weather bc i just love it so much. it's not here to stay and that alreadyyyyyyy makes me sad. i think i need to move south.

Anonymous said...

i am so so so sorry about the insomnia. it's stress. believe me. i am finally back to sleeping somewhat normally - i couldn't sleep for probably a month and a half. even with xanax. :)

as for the weight loss - i too get angry. but remember you can chart your progress other ways too- the way you feel, the way your clothes fit, it's NOT the scale. i weigh myself every day but i don't let that dictate how i feel about my body. if you're working out and eating right it will eventually catch up with you - some of us just take longer than others. i promise! don't lose heart and don't get discouraged.. either way you're doing great things for your health and body, and that's really what it's about anyway.