Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Weddings, weddings, and more weddings

Next weekend starts my wedding season. I have 3 weddings in the next 3 months. Next Saturday is Jenn & Jay's in Connecticut. It's special to me because I've watched Jay grow tremendously over the last few years and Jenn is truly his soul mate. In August I have a very fancy & expensive wedding in Newark. It's an all day affair with 2, yes 2 receptions. It'll be fun but not exactly my cup of tea. In September I have my friend Caroline's wedding. I am thoroughly looking forward to it because I will be at a table with all of my friends from work, good food, and great music. Not that any of the other wedding's won't have that but she's Cuban and those Cuban's know how to party.

I think I found my dress for the weddings as well. I can do a triple showing of it since there won't be a repeat person at any of them. I would display it here but I want it to be a surprise for those who will be seeing me. Let's just say it's very fun and very Marilyn Monroe. I'm not 100% sold on it but i'm close.

It's almost Friday... thank goodness!! The hair is getting done on Saturday. Any suggestions for colors?? I'm keeping the length just putting a ton of layers in it since it's so heavy.

I seriously need a vacation - a vacation all by myself. I need to think, clear my head, get myself focused on what I want to do with my life. I'm a disaster.


Anonymous said...

No no... Jason Giambi's mustache is a disaster... come on kid! :o)


Nikki said...

Jason Giambi looks like a 60's porn start with that mustache

Anonymous said...

ehm. marilyn? THIS i need to see. yes, beforehand. thanks.