Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm going to weigh in on my post from yesterday. Let me say this - I really hate the whole excuse, "well, no church is perfect". This isn't to point out anyone in general because I know a lot of people who say that and I absolutely believe it. Church is made up of imperfect people so of course it has it's flaws. But, let's go beyond that statement. It's about bringing back the "relevance" of Jesus and his message to the church. Superman is not Jesus. William Wallace is not Jesus. People are meeting fictional characters instead of Christ. Sure, you can compare the characteristics but movies don't do scripture any justice. The reality is is that people are going to be offended by the message of Jesus. Grace should not trump truth just so we don't "offend" or so people will fill the seats. Ugh - I could go on and i'm getting frustrated so i'm done with this for now.

On another note - I'm working from home today. Tommy has the flu and the weather is awful. It rained ice from 10 until about 11 and now it's snowing. It's not a light snow either - it's coming down fast and hard. I've never experienced Westfield in the snow so I have no idea how the parking lots get plowed. I'm hoping to have to do very minimal shoveling.

Let's talk about Project Runway for a second. Jack is gone & Chris is back. What?!? How crazy was that development. I was very excited because I like Chris. And, I almost got my wish. Elisa was in the bottom two - maybe next week she'll finally get the boot. What in the world was Jeffrey thinking with that nun outfit?! Oh, and I'm going to admit this - I watched the new reality show Crowned last night with the mom & daughter beauty pageant competition. The best part about the entire show was the last 3 minutes. They told one team to pick up the scissors - which we all thought including the team meant they were gone. But then, they were told to take the scissors and cut this other teams sash. Such a great twist! The show was AMAZINGLY BAD but I will be watching next week. Someone help my tv addiction.

I could never work from home full-time. There's zip on tv during the day. Honestly, nothing. Wish I had some Christmas presents to wrap but I haven't started my shopping yet. I'm a last minute kind of person with that.

Enjoy the snow if you have it!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

ckuretich said...

PR - totally lovin' it. I had heard the Jack spoiler so I wasn't shocked, and I do like Chris. Elisa needs to BEAT IT. but at least she's nice and not mean AND weird. weird and nice I can tolerate.
i'm still not getting the Sweet Pea aesthetic. wtf is up with that?

love your last church thoughts. there's not much more to say at this point - it's just like, either get it or don't get it. the only movie that I like to see Jesus compared to is LOTR and Matrix. hahahahaa i'm kidding. but yeah.